Special Times
Finally some time to sit and reflect over the last few weeks.
Having missed entries to my local royal, Launceston Royal, because my head was clearly still in Finland, our first show for the agricultural show season was my old stomping ground, Longford. I was super thrilled to have Jäger (Zuleika Gold Digger) who lives in Melbourne, join me for a few show. Day One at Longford was only his second time in the ring and the first time with me. He was a superstar, going on to take Best Baby Puppy in Group 5 (Working Dogs). A feat he repeated again the next day.

Benni (Ch. Armahani Heliodorr Hulivili (ai) ET) was not to be outdone by his son that weekend. On the first day he took out Runner-up Best in Group (Ground 2nd) and Best Australian Bred in Group under Miss Bev Watt (Vic). He went on to convert this to BEST AUSTRALIAN BRED IN SHOW under Mrs Anna Lane (Vic). The following day he won Best Australian Bred in Group under Anna Lane.

The following week was our largest show - Hobart Royal. It was great to finally (fractionally) return the favour to Jacqualine Lincoln and return the hospitality. On the Thursday we travelled down to show at the Royal under Mr yuji Yatake (Japan). Jacq's Tortik (Grand Ch. Armahani Heliodorr Halu (ai) RA JC) was Best of Breed and shortlisted for Best in Group.
On Sunday we ventured to Tasmania's first (and Australia's fourth) CACIB show. This was a fabulous day, with it being one of the few shows in the country that follows FCI awards and breed groups. So instead of being with the other herding dogs, we were with the other spitz and primitive breeds. Tortik was again Best of Breed, taking his first CACIB. Jacq's Baby (Am & Aust Ch. Calaban's Dirty Dancing RA ET (imp USA)) gained her second CACIB.
Because Jacq and I haven't spent enough time together this year (Border Challenge, Finland, Hobart Royal) Benni and I then fly to Melbourne the next weekend for the massive 'Sunbury Weekend' of shows.
Day One was the Finnish Lapphund Club of Victoria's Specialty Championship show, judged by Mr Henrik Soeborg (Denmark) - a Spitz Specialist. Due to work commitments, I had to fly in that morning and made it to the show literally as the Baby Puppy Dog Class was being judged. It was great to see Jasmine and Boris (Zuleika Silver Nitrate) in the ring together. Jasmine then entrusted me with him for show specials, where he was awarded BOS Baby Puppy in Show.

This was the start of a fabulous day. Next I was in the ring with Loki Bear (Ch. Armahani Jade Jylha). Loki is bred by Jacq and co-owned with Nicole Wright, in Albury. I had so much fun showing him at the Border Challenge back in April, I was quick to 'bags' him when I found out he was coming to this show. He won a competitive State Bred Dog class, then going on to win Reserve Challenge and State Bred in Show.
Out of the ring with Loki and straight into the ring with Benni. I had been feeling quite nervous about this. Australian Bred is a very competitive class here. I needn't have worried. Benni went in to "we got this, mum" mode and didn't put a foot wrong. He won the class, receiving a glowing critique and went on to Best Australian Bred in Show.

It was also fantastic to be there to witness Benni's daughter (Ch. Lempo Independence Day) win Bitch Challenge and Runner-up Best Exhibit in Show. She is an absolute credit to her owner, Helen Green and breeder Mel Scriven.

Day Two was the Working Dog Club of Victoria show, under Mrs C Dunne (Ireland). Our Heliodorr litter brothers shon with Tortik taking Dog CC and BOB and Benni Res Dog CC. Tortik was shortlisted for Best in Show under Ms Astrid Lundava (Estonia).

Day Three was the Victorian Women's Dog Club. Here Benni was an absolute superstar, firing on all four cylinders to take Best of Breed (under Mr OLE Nielson from Canada) and then to be shortlisted in the final 6 for Best in Group. I am always proud of Benni and his wins, but to see him so competitive on such a big stage was a fabulous feeling. He just continues to get better with age.
Due to more work commitments, I couldn't stay for Australian's largest one-day show, Sunbury (but after seeing the weather, I wasn't disappointed). Thank you to Cherelle Latta for making the weekend possible and to Meagan Thomas for giving me the push I needed to come.
We also took the next couple of weekends off showing. Tomorrow we head to Hobart for what is one of the final shows of the year.