A Bit to Brag About
It has been a busy few weeks, across a number of dog disciplines. Today we ventured to our first show in a few weeks, taking only Benni. What a star he was, winning Best in Group Second (Runner-up Best Working Dog exhibit) and then on to Best Australian Bred in Show, under New Zealand judge Mrs Pam Douglas. She made some beautiful comments about him, stating she has judged Finnish Lapphunds in Europe and it is rare to find a dog with a beautiful head piece, sound movement and lovely coat and feet.
Benni's day didn't end there. He also went in Tiny Tots Handlers (under 7 years) with my 5 year old daughter, Lillian. In Tiny Tots an adult must also have control of the dog at all times, so this can be a little disconcerting for some dogs, but not Benni, he dealt with it like the professional he is. Actually I think he baited better for Lillian than he does me...I suspect he likes how close the little person is to his month!
I attended a Tracking Workshop yesterday, by Scent Dogs Australia. So also look out for Benni with his nose to the ground in 2018.
This week will see the Royal Launceston Show and will mark a year since I returned to the show ring (after 12 years) and a year since Benni and I debuted together. In the last year Benni has amassed four Best in Group Firsts, five Best in Group Seconds, 300 championship points and Tasmania's #4 Working Dog (all systems). Not bad for the first regularly shown Finnish Lapphund in Tasmania. He has certainly been (and will continue to be) an amazing ambassador for the breed and plays a vital role educating local judges.
The beautiful blonde (aka Fleur) isn't to be out done by the wolf sable boy. Whilst she hasn't been to any shows lately, she has her own brags, proving she is both beautiful and brainy. Two weeks ago Fleur passed two Herding Tests, achieving her Herding Tested title. She is now Aust. Ch. Armahani Iolite Ilo (ai) HT! We also commenced an Introduction to Rally O course. She is incredibly driven and I can't wait to see what she can do in the Rally ring (when she chooses to, of course).
After nearly a year of showing, Fleur has gained her Australian Champion title, multiple classes in group and is Tasmania's #1 Working Dog Puppy and #6 All Breeds Puppy (Topdogs pointscore).
We are so looking forward to the next 12 months!