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One for the Beginners

Today Benni and Fleur both finished and passed their Beginners Obedience Course. This was particularly incredible for Benni, as he wasn't even clever is that! After seven weeks they are have both learned the foundations for any performance sports we choose to do.

For Fleur this will probably be Rally O and/or Agility. So her and I will continue our training from next week, with the Grade 1 classes. Fleur will also make her Herding debut next week, with her first Herding Test. I'm not expecting a qualification, but you have to start somewhere! It will be a learning experience for both of us.

Benni will participate in the much more sedate sports. I will be attending a Tracking Workshop in early September with a look to participating with Benni next year. We might also take a trip to Victoria and New South Wales next year to compete in the Backpacking Trials.

Currently there is working party here in Tasmania attempting to get Lure Coursing happening here. If that happens both dogs will certainly trialling.

Benni and I made a trip to Hobart today for the Conformation Judges Exam. He was such a good boy. It involves having three qualified (examining) judges go over the dogs and then the aspiring judges, in this case there were three. So six judges and remaining 'stacked' for around 45 minutes while decisions are made, justified and assessed. Good luck to all!

Whilst it has been a while between 'show' drinks, we are quickly heading into 'show' season. This will begin with our local agricultural show - Royal Launceston Show - in mid-October. So fingers crossed and stay tuned for some great results.

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